Twilight Muse

Discover the exhilaration of witnessing a solar eclipse and prepare for the next awe-inspiring event.


A solar eclipse is a celestial event that captures the imagination and curiosity of many.

Preparing for an Eclipse

Research the timing and best locations to observe the upcoming solar eclipse and acquire proper viewing equipment to protect your eyes.

Safe Viewing Practices

Never look directly at the sun without certified solar viewing glasses or through an appropriate solar filter on your camera.

My Experience

The rarity of a total solar eclipse makes it a profound moment I've been fortunate to photograph twice in my life.


Prepare well, and you'll be rewarded with an inspired awe that is truly unforgettable.

Grayson Wolfe
Grayson Wolfe is a long-time enthusiast of evening skies and dusk photography. With a background in atmospheric sciences and several years of experience as an amateur astronomer, Grayson brings a wealth of knowledge to the subject of twilight photography. Passionate about capturing the fleeting moments of twilight's magic, his blog offers insights, tips, and personal reflections on this enchanting time of day.
Grayson Wolfe is a long-time enthusiast of evening skies and dusk photography. With a background in atmospheric sciences and several years of experience as an amateur astronomer, Grayson brings a wealth of knowledge to the subject of twilight photography. Passionate about capturing the fleeting moments of twilight's magic, his blog offers insights, tips, and personal reflections on this enchanting time of day.

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